
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 19:19:53
压力是在任何情况下都等于压强吗 .六一儿童节,人民公园的成人门票每张8元,儿童门票4元.全天共售出门票3000张,总收入15600元.这一天公园售出成人票和儿童票各多少张?(用算式) 初二下学期期末数学试题 10mpa等于多少公斤压力10mpa=(?)psi=(?)公斤压力 初二下学期数学问题高手进我现在学到分式的基本性质,(x的平方减4)分之(x减2)等于什么分之1快加高分 一道八年级英语填空题I like pork very much,but I don't like beef at a——(首字母填空) 几个八年级的英语填空题1.Turn on the TV,please.(改为一般疑问句)____ ____on the TV,please.2.Sandy is twelve years old.Holly is thirteen years old.(合并为一个句子)Sandy is a year ____ ____Holly.3.My sweater was $230.Your sweater 填空题英语八年级用所给词的适当形式填空I was busy __(babysit) my sister yesterday.There are going to be two__(match) in our school next week.Which is__(exciting),the football match or the basketball match?The dictionary is __(help) 英语填空题(八年级)1.He found it hard ______(catch) up with his class.2.All the children like Mr.White very much because he often makes them _____(laugh)3.Let him _____(have) a rest.I think he must be tired after the long walk.4.We have tw 下图是一块长方体形状的石料,要把它加工成一个最大的正方体石料,去掉部分的体积是多少?长是1.2m,宽是80cm,高是80cm. 2/3:x=x:1/3怎么解? 实际用电比计划节约百分之12,实际用电是计划的百分之几 实际用电比计划节约了百分之几?可以用( )除以( (含义)实际用电比计划计划节约了百分之几?可以用: 计划用电60度,实际比计划节约10度,节约百分分之几? 十月份实际用电500,比计划节约了100度,实际用电是计划的百分之几? 九年级英语填空题If one man's cow kills ________.is the owner of the first cow responsible?A.each otherB.another'sC.an other'sD.another man 1.May 12this the International N( )Day.Let's say"thanks"to them for their work in the fight against SARS.2.Does this piece of m( )sound nice?Yes,It's wonderful.3.Mary,would you please tell me your new a( )so that I can write to you?4.I'll help yo 英语选词填空题Suspicious,lose one’s temper,out at sea,make no effort,take to,object to,march,drag,on show1.When he began to ______ drinking,he became thinner and thinner.2.The teacher _____ that his students may play trick on him some day.3. 一个化工厂原计划每月用煤240吨,实际每月节约12.5%,实际每月用煤多少吨?一套西服,打八折后比原来便宜了300元,这套西服原价多少钱?只列式,不计算.工人加工一个零件,原来要3小时,现在只要2 化工厂扩建厂房,实际投资182万元,比计划节约了18万元.节约了百分之几?要算式 某化工厂采用新技术后,每天用原料18吨,这样原来用6天的原料,现在可以用10天,这个化工厂比过去每天节约多少吨? 化工厂扩建厂房,实际投资182万元,比计划节约了18万元.实际比计划节约投资百分之几 原来一堆煤每天烧25吨,可以烧80天,实行技术改造后,每天比原来节约百分之20,这堆煤可以烧多少天? 甲,乙,丙三人同时去商场购物,甲花的钱数的2/5等于乙花钱数的1/3,乙花钱数的3/4等于丙花钱数的7/8,结果丙比甲多花10元钱.甲,乙,丙三人共花了多少钱?注意:是一共花了多少元? 一轮船自身的行驶速度是每小时8.2千米,水流速度是每小时1.3千米,顺水行驶3.6小时的路程是多少千米?逆水行驶4.2小时的路程是多少千米? 求几道英语首字母填空题Many of the stars a_____ so far away that we cannot see them.They help us to l____ more about the Earth.We also use it to send and receive m___.It makes people from d____countries understand each other better.So peopl 几道英语首字母填空题1We can a_____ on the Internet.2The weather might be bad so we will hold the show i_____.3Football is a t____ game.4A____ she was tired,she stayed up to watch the late night film on television.5I don't want to hurt his f 一道七年级的英语首字母填空题1、we can have many intersting things to do here,so we e____our lives here very much.2、The doctors tried to save the bman but he d_____in the end.3、John never listens to his mother and she is very u____. 英语初中首字母填空题初中英语首字母填空题,要比较新的,具有代表性的几篇.不要太多.有昨天的感觉就够了.现在要的就是那个应试感觉. 某商场原来日均用电1200千瓦时,开展“节能降耗”活动后,日均用电节约了六分之一.现在 日均用电多少千瓦 节约能源在较大的一些商场该怎样做最好详细点,