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[摘 要] 任何国家和政治社会都处在一定的制度中,任何社会的政治变迁也是社会制度的变迁。本文通过对制度变迁的考察,试图解释近代中国由传统农业社会迈向资本主义社会失败的制度性原因。中国的国家与社会的关系与西方不同,中国是国家强社会弱。在近代中国由于产权得不到有效保护,民间资本不能很好发展,发展资本主义却损害了农民的利益,由此社会自发实现资本主义制度变迁是不可能的;而国家权力对社会控制力的弱化对于国家权力强行推进资本主义制度变迁也是不可行的,最终导致近代中国迈向资本主义的失败。

  [关键词] 制度变迁;政治发展;合法性

  Abstract:Any country and political society are in certain institutions, and any political change in any society is also the change of social institution. This paper, based on the review of institutional changes, tries to explain the reasons why modern China could not go for capitalism from a traditional society of agriculture. In China, the relationship between country and society is quite different from that of western states. As China is powerful as a country but weak in society, the property could not be protected effectively in modern time, the development of private capital was in embarrassment and harmed the farmers’ profit. The development of capitalism has damaged the interests of the farmers, so it is impossible to spontaneously achieve the innovation of capitalist institution; and it is also impossible for the state’s power to push strongly the innovation of capitalist institution because of the weakness of the state’s power to society, thus it comes to the result that modern China failed to go into capitalism.

  Key words: institutional change;political development;validity
  所谓“制度”,在新制度主义经济学家诺斯(Douglass North)看来,就是对个人行为进行约束的社会规则,“制度是为约束在谋求财富或本人效用最大化中个人行为而制定的一组规章、依循程序和伦理道德行为准则。”[1]227-228国家权力在很大程度上是制度得以有效实施的保障,正因为存在由国家权力保障实施的制度,社会才能避免个人在追求自身利益最大化的时候陷入霍布斯笔下的“丛林状态”,从而造成集体的非理性,“在整个历史上,凡是有规章便比没有强。”[1]30同时,即便以国家权力为后盾的制度也存在着合法性问题,即需要被社会所接受,所以制度的确立背后隐藏的是国家与社会的关系。而且,随着社会经济环境和利益结构的变化,制度也要做出相应的变化以确保其合法性,虽然国家权力可以推动制度变迁,但如果制度变迁得不到社会的支持或回应,那么制度变迁也无法有效实施,所以考察特定时期国家与社会的关系对特定制度变迁有着极重要的意义,本文也立足于此。