
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/26 00:30:12


The selection of property relations between the spouses not only relates to the realization of legal rights of the couple,but also concerns problems like the benifit of the third party,the business safety and the maintennance of social economic order.Thus,the legislation of matrimonial regime in various coutries has been emphasized highly and regarded as important content of the adjustment of Marriage and Family Law and Law of Descent.However,in different countries,the content regulated by matrimonial regime differs a lot due to the impact of factors like historical culture,social environments and political ingredients.During the application of law to foreign-related property relations between the spouses,there’re conflicts about application of law in this area due to different rules for joints of applicable proper law in various countries.To negotiate the law application for foreign-related property relations between the spouses,the Law of the People's Republic of China on Application of Laws to Foreign-Related Civil Relation was enacted in 2010.It detailed the acheivements made by China on the application of law to foreign-related property relations between the spouses in the second part.After comparing legisation of other advanced countries,it discusses deficiencies of the application of law to foreign-related property relations between the spouses and further presents corresponding suggestions.
The paper is divided into four parts.
The 1st part is about basic theories of matrimonial regime.There’re mainly three smaller parts,firstly to introduce the concept and range of matrimonial regime,then to expound its characteristic and finally to summarize the legisation principle.
In the 2nd part,it mainly elaborates the legisation status in China about the application of law to foreign-related property relations between the spouses and defines the following items:determing limited principle of autonomy of will,adopting the principle of lex personalis,the rule of closest connection having initially had a significant role in law of China and finally establishing the principle of physical situs.
The 3rd part is concerning the regualtions about the application of law to property relations between the spouses in other countries.It mainly analysizesthe application status in Frence,Germany,the U.K.,America and other countries and covers the rules of Hague Conventions in 1978.Some revelations about the application of law to foreign-related property relations between the spouses are given after comparing the laws in these developed countries.
In the 4th chapter,firstly it determines the flaws of legislation regarding foreign-related matrimonial regime in China,then presents the necessarity and urgency of perfecting laws about foreign-related matrimonial properties.Secondly some legisation suggestions are given for the above-mentioned flaws.The main principles are to determine limited and changable principle,to adopt principle of protecting the weak and to make clearly selection between the uniform system and the division system.,




英语翻译中文摘要:夫妻财产关系的选择不仅关系到夫妻双方合法权益的实现,而且涉及到第三人的利益、交易安全和社会经济秩序维护等问题,因此,各国对夫妻财产制的立法都非常重视,均将 英语翻译【摘要】 夫妻财产制度又称婚姻财产制度,是指规范夫妻婚前财产和婚后所得财产的使用、归属、管理、收益,以及夫妻债务的清偿,夫妻家庭生活等费用的负担,婚姻终止时夫妻财产 夫妻两个面对面站在那里的英语翻译 夫妻两个面对面站在那里的英语翻译 英语翻译有一段中文摘要急需要翻译成英文 英语翻译麻烦英语高手帮忙翻译一下论文摘要,请不要直接进行在线翻译,那样的文字太生涩.摘要如下:中文摘要当今世界,企业间的竞争战略日益同质化,随着竞争的日益加剧,雇主品牌作为企 英语翻译中文中的说明书、说明书摘要、权利要求书怎么翻译成英文,要翻译的是 说明书 说明书摘要 权利要求书这三组词,还有这些词是在中文专利中的出现的,翻译的要专业点才行,google 上 英语翻译没漏,将选择中文贴切的回复 英语翻译【摘要】随着我国经济建设的快速发展和农村城市化进程的加快,土地的需求量大量增加,农村集体土地被大量征用,失地的农民越来越多.他们流失的不仅仅是土地,随着土地的流失,他 英语翻译【摘要】随着我国经济建设的快速发展和农村城市化进程的加快,土地的需求量大量增加,农村集体土地被大量征用,失地的农民越来越多.他们流失的不仅仅是土地,随着土地的流失,他 英语翻译摘要:随着网络技术的发展,因特网已经走进千家万户,网络的安全成为人们最为关注的问题.不仅仅是使我们的生活变得丰富多彩,而在更大程度上使整个社会的生产力的大幅度提升.In 英语翻译摘要:旅游活动与电子商务的结合是旅游业未来的一个主要发展趋势,旅游电子商务不仅能产生新的利润增长点,而且可以增强企业的竟争力.旅游企业电子商务的发展水平直接影响着 英语翻译本人论文摘要需要翻译成英文,内容如下:内容提要:应收账款是企业一项重要的流动资产,如何对应收账款的进行有效的控制,不仅关系到企业的营运资金,更关系到企业的经济效益.本 英语翻译(题目)中国古代选官制度述略 (摘要) 从古至今,历朝历代对官吏的选拔任用都非常重视,因为其不仅关系到中央集权的加强,也关系到封建统治者的统治地位.本文主要回顾了中国 英语翻译摘要:安东尼奥•葛兰西是西方马克思主义理论的创始人之一,其哲学与政治思想不仅为西方马克思主义国际关系思想和国际政治经济学的葛兰西学派提供了重要的理论依据,而且对 英语翻译----------------------------------------------------------------摘要:我国法制专题新闻经历了近20年的发展后,不仅起到了普法教育的作用,在制作过程中也产生了“多元化”的形态.以中央电视台 英语翻译下面中文我试着翻译了一下,请高人修改,由于这是学术方面的论文摘要,所以希望用一些比较专业的词汇.本论文的目的是在为了提高森林管理水平而导入的森林认证推进政策下,选择 论文里英文摘要应该放在什么位置?是放在中文摘要下面还是中文的关键词下面?