
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/13 15:07:29


唐伯虎 than 文征明 old, and he wrote 文征明just as student ."I do not take on the surface, but to submit willingly.项橐of only seven years, and he became 孔丘 teacher ; the 子路 is ten years older than 孔丘, but it is 孔丘 students.in poetry and paintings, and you were evenly matched, but if the amount of learning falls, it is better than you were the worst.me than you more than ten months, for example, on 孔丘.worshipped you, master, and request you to agree to melt the rubbish, and so does not mean that different, but i can admire the young lad; a look of the rule of manners 孔丘.You can not refuse! "袁宏道 think that the : "this is the truth, who said 唐伯虎 is madcap?"