
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/24 18:37:44


Russia is the country of vast landscope,vibrant life,beautiful contrasts,and interesting people.Taking an immense space of 9000 kilometers from west to east and 5000 from north to south,being home to people so many different nationalities and customs,russia is often called a "bridge" between Europe and Asia,both geographically and sociologically.
From the ancient times up to now,Russia has been changing and re-shaping itself,its boundaries,its culture.In the ancient times,The Slave,Finn tribes,Tatars,had made their way through Russia,and this mix of many different nations and their traditions has defined the unique russian character and culture.
Visting Russia,especially if you come by a plane,you will see never-ending forests and lakes,scattered among them,gleaming little churches in Moscow and impressive emperors' palaces in St.Petersburg,all the modern attributes of "capitalist" world and old relics of communist times,hip crowds of young people and babushkas wearing big fur hats and coats in the snow.To us,it's all about this kind of differences,about constant change in Russia now,which makes it a very dynamic country with lots of energy and potential.there has never time in the Russianhistory,when it was still or calm,always there would be something,like a revolution,an economy crisis,a war,as if to make life less predictable,and perhaps,more interesting too.

谁能帮我写一小段关于俄罗斯的英文简介, 中国共产党的英文简介一小段就可以了如果有,我希望能把毛泽东还有蒋介石一小段英文简介也可以发上了 能帮我用英文写一小段“麦琪的礼物”这本书的简介么?最好在50字以内,谢~ 英语简介(关于国旗与国家的,拜托大家帮我写一小段关于一个国家的简介(要用英文),简单一点就好,可以是关于这个的国家文明史,或者著名建筑,著名的人物,著名的事件……大家勇敢回答啊.. 谁能帮我写一小段关于过去式、思念的个性签名 关于中国历史的英语PPT求关于介绍中国历史的英文的PPT,大概10张左右,每张PPT有一小段英文简介! 老师叫我们写一小段关于介绍别人的文章,是英文的哦! 兵马俑的简介注意,我只要简介,一小段,能够总体概括的,不要一堆, 关于家庭价值观的英文我需要的是文章....一小段文章 的英文版简介,请问谁有的英文版简介不需要太多,一小段也可以最好附上中文版的 谁有俄罗斯彼得大帝的英文简介 求任意几种植物的英文简介(每种10分)英文简介!不要太多一小段就好! 谁能帮我写一篇关于宝鸡的英文简介啊,谢谢! 求一小段关于爱情的英文,附加翻译谢谢 圣诞节 简介英文版就要两小段,能概括主要内容的一小段.别拿一大篇给我哦.第一小段:圣诞节的简介 (中英)不超过150字第二小段:圣诞节的习俗 (中英)不超过150字最佳追分!截止日期: 冬宫(俄罗斯的埃米塔什博物馆) 英文名是什么?还有关于它的英文简介.谢谢!急用! 孔子是公元几年几月生的啊还要有关于孔子的一小段简介哦 求詹姆斯的英文简介谁能给我写一篇关于詹姆斯的简介,要英文的