
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/19 10:54:26


【Starship Troopers 】
While some of the characters and lines in the movie were a little underdeveloped,the overriding story of the evolution of our society into an aggressive,militarist regime cannot be ignored.The action scenes were great,with flawless computer animation (how Titanic beat it for SFX I will never know) and enhancement supported by what can only be described as gore-laden prosthetics.I thought they could have left the love story out,but that's Hollywood.
Very watchable,and a nice change from the Alien movies - this is WAR,not some isolated pit-fight!I love the Alien movies,but Startship troopers just has a lot o' lead,heads,and bodies flying left,right and centre!I thought the Mobile Infantry could have used better weaponry (apparently in the novel that it's based on,the MI has powered armour with assault cannon and missile launchers etc.) to battle such a foe,but I'm just being technical.
If you want a nice beer & pretzels movie to yell and scream at,then this is it.

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