
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/20 15:58:29


some people may be stupid enough to think you have no bottom line when you make a compromise which draws the conclusion to me that some people you can get to know but won't eventually become your friends.

(Moses) is the "leader of the nation of the Jews" recorded in the thirteenth Century b.c.. He was Jewish, Christian, Islam and Baja Iraq beliefs, religion is considered to be the most important prophe...


(Moses) is the "leader of the nation of the Jews" recorded in the thirteenth Century b.c.. He was Jewish, Christian, Islam and Baja Iraq beliefs, religion is considered to be the most important prophets. According to the Israel's inheritance, Mose is from the pentateuch. According to the book of Exodus records, Mose was the Lord of life, led the enslaved Hebrews from ancient Egypt, to a piece of fertile land of promise. After 40 years of arduous trek, he arrived at the destination died at will. Mose in the lead, the Hebrews from miserable life enslaved, learn to obey the ten commandments, and became history's first dedicated Unitarian religious people


Some people are silly,when you make concessions,they would misunderstand it that you are without basis.So in my opinion,somebody is well to make acquaintance but not become a friend.