
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/24 05:51:12


Origin and history
The inclination of the Moon's orbit makes it implausible that the Moon formed along with the Earth or was captured later; its origin is the subject of some scientific debate.
Early speculation proposed that the Moon broke off from the Earth's crust due to centrifugal force,leaving an ocean basin (presumed to be the Pacific Ocean) behind as a scar.This concept requires too great an initial spin of the Earth and the presumption of a Pacific origin is not compatible with the geological standard model,the theory of plate tectonics.Others speculated the Moon formed elsewhere and was captured into Earth's orbit.Two of the other theories include the coformation or condensation theory and the impact theory,which speculates that the Moon formed from the debris that resulted from a collision between the early Earth and a planetesimal.

谁有月球和地球之间联系的英文介绍初二水平,请快回答 地球直径1.28万千米,月球到地球的距离是地球直径的30倍月球到地球有多远月球和地球之间有30个地球那么远 地球直径1.28万米,月球到地球的距离是地球直径的30倍,月球到地球有多远月球和地球之间有30个地球那么远 地球和太阳,月球之间都是有角度的,那地球表面是不是有某个地方是看不到月球呢? 介绍一下地球和月球的运行情况分别说明月球:地球: 地球与太阳和月球之间分别有多少距离 地球和月球之间大概有多少米! 泰山谁知道英文介绍要初二水平的 急用啊 请介绍一下太阳,月球和地球的自转方向 月球自转一圈的时间与月球绕地球转动一圈的时间有什么联系? 太阳地球和月球之间的引力问题 超声波为什么不能测量地球和月球之间的距离 地球和月球之间的引力是多少怎样算 谁能简要介绍一下地球、月球的运行情况 早期的宇宙是混沌的,现在的宇宙还是这样么?如果不是,那星球和星球之间,一切都应该是有联系的?三楼怎么能说完全没关联呢?地球和月球之间的引力不就是关联的表现么,所以地球的海水 当月球处在地球和太阳之间时,我们看到的月球是什么样的? 当地球处在太阳和月球之间时,我们看到的月球又是怎么样的? 当地球处在太阳和月球之间时,我们看到的月球又是怎么样的?