请英语高手帮忙写篇对话关于吸烟的.主要内容是人为什么吸烟 吸烟的危害

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/01 12:55:40

请英语高手帮忙写篇对话关于吸烟的.主要内容是人为什么吸烟 吸烟的危害
关于吸烟的.主要内容是人为什么吸烟 吸烟的危害

请英语高手帮忙写篇对话关于吸烟的.主要内容是人为什么吸烟 吸烟的危害
Since there are many hazards of smoking,why the number of young smokers has increased year by year?Investigation shows that the reasons to start smoking by curiosity,imitation,communication needs on the ground of the highest,the other for the relief of boredom,refreshing,and show their maturity and so on.The effects of smoking behavior in the form of risk factors,mainly in the following five:
(1) out of curiosity:For the majority of young people smoking,started out of curiosity; and then gradually addiction
(2) The most important thing is from friends,classmates,peer pressure and influence each other,encouraging each other to smoke,Jing Yan each other.For example,the students gathered in entertainment,friends,Jing Yan,embarrassed to refuse,in which case shape,that is,we often see young people smoking together when the situation even worse.
(3) followed by a long time to bear a greater burden of life.As the young people in the study,love,employment,living in such areas as more pressure,and the knowledge,experience and lack of emotional instability,and are subject to regulation and weak,which will encourage them to act on smoking in the search for psychological comfort.
(4) because smoking has some benefits.Some young people by misleading the community,in order to show that smoking is only a man's demeanor and temperament.The more people to smoke as a social way of communication need to shape smoking behavior.
(5) teachers and respected by those who continued to smoke.Human behavior is a form of learning and imitation,and gradually shape the process,young people are in the learning and growth period,teachers,parents smoking behavior in adolescents are often misleading and anti-smoking education to convince Declining.At present,many movies,television heroes,leaders of the smoking behavior of young people smoking negatively misleading.

For many years, scientists have warned that smoking tobacco is bad for your he...


For many years, scientists have warned that smoking tobacco is bad for your health. Yet people around the world continue to smoke. The World Health Organization estimates that more than four-million people die each year from the effects of smoking. That number is increasing. W-H-O officials expect one-hundred-fifty-million people to die from tobacco use in the next twenty years. Seven in ten of those deaths will be in developing countries.
In the United States, about forty-seven-million adults currently smoke. American health experts say tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death nationwide. This year, more than four-hundred-thirty-thousand Americans will die of diseases linked to smoking.
Smoking tobacco is the leading cause of lung disease. Smoking also has been linked to heart disease, stroke and many kinds of cancer. The American Cancer Society says smoking is responsible for more than eighty percent of all lung cancers in the United States. The group adds that smoking is a major cause of cancers of the mouth, esophagus, kidney, bladder and pancreas.
Scientists have identified more than forty chemicals in tobacco smoke that cause cancer in humans and animals. Smokeless tobacco and cigars also have been linked to cancer.
American government health experts say smoking affects not only the smoker. Women who use tobacco during pregnancy are more likely to have babies with health problems. Pregnant women who smoke are at risk of having a baby who weighs less than normal. Low birth weight babies have an increased risk of early death and may suffer from a number of health disorders.
Experts say tobacco smoke also affects the health of people who do not smoke. Smokers may harm the health of family members and people at work. Tobacco smoke causes an estimated three-thousand non-smoking Americans to die of lung cancer each year. Tobacco smoke also causes lung infections in as many as three-hundred-thousand American children each year.
The American Cancer Society says there is no safe way to smoke. It says smoking begins to cause damage immediately. All cigarettes can damage the body. Smoking even a small number of cigarettes is dangerous.
Nicotine is the major substance in cigarettes that gives pleasure to smokers. Nicotine is a poison. The American Cancer Society says nicotine can kill a person when taken in large amounts. It does this by stopping the muscles used for breathing.

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The body grows to depend on nicotine. When a former smoker smokes a cigarette, the nicotine reaction may start again, forcing the person to keep smoking.
Studies have found that nicotine can be as powerful as alcohol or the illegal drug cocaine. So experts say it is better never to start smoking and become dependent on nicotine than it is to smoke with the idea of stopping later.
Most people who smoke have heard about the harmful effects of cigarettes. Some of them decide to smoke fewer cigarettes. However, most smokers find that is difficult. Experts say menthol cigarettes are no safer than other tobacco products. Menthol cigarettes produce a cool feeling in the smoker's throat. People who use menthol cigarettes can hold the smoke inside their lungs longer than smokers of other cigarettes. As a result, experts say menthol cigarettes may be even more dangerous.
Other smokers believe that cigarettes with low tar levels are safer. Tar is a substance produced when tobacco leaves are burned. It is known to cause cancer.
Recently, the National Cancer Institute released a report about low tar cigarettes. It found that people who smoke these cigarettes do not reduce their risk of getting smoking-related diseases. In fact, some people who use low tar or low nicotine cigarettes often smoke more. The report found no evidence that changes in cigarette design and production during the past fifty years have improved public health.
It is not easy to stop smoking permanently. However, doctors say you probably will live longer if you do stop smoking. You will feel better and look better. You also will protect the health of family members and others who breathe your smoke.
The American Cancer Society says the sooner smokers stop smoking, the more they can reduce their chances of getting cancer and other diseases. It says blood pressure returns to normal twenty minutes after smoking the last cigarette. Carbon monoxide gas levels in the blood return to normal after eight hours. After one day, the chance of heart attack decreases. After one year, the risk of heart disease for a non-smoker is half that of a smoker.
Experts say there are several products designed to help end a smoker's dependency on cigarettes. There are several kinds of nicotine replacement products that provide small amounts of the substance. These can help people stop smoking.
For example, smokers can place small, specially treated pieces of material on their skin. They can chew or swallow other products that contain nicotine. Or they can breathe small amounts of nicotine through their nose or mouth.
A drug to fight depression has proved effective for many smokers. Depression is the mental condition that causes extreme sadness and hopelessness. The anti-depressant drug is called Zyban. It does not contain nicotine. The drug works by increasing levels of the chemical dopamine in the brain. Dopamine produces feelings of pleasure. Studies have shown that Zyban reduces the urge to smoke for some people.
There is strong evidence that people who have suffered from depression are much more likely than other people to smoke. The same is true for people who have brain disorders such as schizophrenia. Doctors say these people can think better and feel better when they are smoking. It also is much harder for them to stop smoking than it is for other people.
We have some other ideas to help you stop smoking. The American Cancer Society says there is not just one right way to stop. It says one method or a combination of methods may be successful. They include attending self-help programs or following directions in a book. The group says any way to stop smoking that is legal, moral and effective is worth trying.

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To stop smoking, you should carefully plan your actions for at least one week. Try to stay away from people and situations that might trouble you. Do not go to public places where people are smoking. If you drink alcohol, you probably will need to stop drinking temporarily. Many people lose their inner strength when they drink alcohol.
Many experts say it is best to stop smoking completely. Even one cigarette can make you a smoker again. In the first week or two without cigarettes, you probably will feel terrible. You may be angry all the time or you may feel sad. You may have a headache or your stomach may feel sick.
Do not lose hope. If you stay away from tobacco, those feelings will go away in a few weeks. Tell yourself that you will be happier as a non-smoker. Tell yourself that nicotine should not control your life.
Move around as much as possible. Go for a quick walk or a run at least two times a day. Walking or running will make you breathe deeply. This will help clear the nicotine from your body. Also, when you have the urge to smoke, you could chew gum or eat a piece of fruit or vegetable instead.
For a long time, you will continue to have periods when you really want a cigarette. Yet these times will come less often. One day, you will recognize that you have won the struggle against smoking.


请英语高手帮忙写篇对话关于吸烟的.主要内容是人为什么吸烟 吸烟的危害 请高手帮忙编一个关于节日的英语对话,必有重谢~ 关于电视节目的英语两人对话请各位高手帮忙找一下一些有关电视节目的两人对话 想请高手帮忙写3篇英语对话明天要背的,但是我英语不好,写不来,1篇关于问路的、1篇是产品介绍的、还有1篇是订酒店的,求求各位了, 英语高手帮忙编辑一个对话请帮忙编辑一段关于西方节日的英文对话,要求对话中要有与中国节日的特征比较,还要有一些观点,水平是大一!由于是4个人的对话, 请高手帮忙写篇英文对话对话的内容是讨论养宠物的利弊,正反观点的内容差不多,对话内容长度大约3分钟 请英语高手帮忙写一段对话吧,是说一个裁缝去和欠他钱的人要帐的对话.谢谢! 请英语好的高手帮忙写篇关于爱的小短文,求求你们了!要短短的, 请高手帮忙写篇英文对话对话内容”Is science mainly a monster or an angel?对话双方各持一观点,对话长度3分钟 请帮忙写一些英语日常标语!如:不要吸烟.No smoking.请多写写 写一篇关于在公共场合吸烟的英语作文 主要是请高手帮忙想一个关于小发明制造的,要日常生活用的, 吸烟的英文作文跪求英语达人帮忙写一篇关于吸烟的作文,200~300个字!内容如下:1.烟的成分.2.吸烟对人体的危害和坏的影响.3.人们吸烟的原因.4.吸烟的社会影响和引发的社会问题. 请英语达人帮忙设计一段关于“thank you”的情景对话要求5个人的一 段情景对话 语法正确 5分钟就可以主要就是表达下 感谢的用词用句.要说5分钟呢 2人英语对话 没人至少5句主要是 劝诫室友不要在寝室里面吸烟,并且对方要接受你的意见 ,还有吸烟的危害性 请英语高手在今天写一篇关于A great man or woman in history的三人对话…谢… 帮忙写一段英语对话,关于爱情,电影这两方面的,时长4分钟的的长对话 请帮忙找关于购物的英语情景对话,每人至少要有五句