问英语题(高1的江苏滴,有劳各位喽!)1.The plan_____(需要)careful consideration 2.There is no time to lost,so you must____(行动)now. 3.Theyarrived back from____(休假)a day earlier than expect

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 02:36:56
问英语题(高1的江苏滴,有劳各位喽!)1.The plan_____(需要)careful consideration                    2.There is no time to lost,so you must____(行动)now.           3.Theyarrived back from____(休假)a day earlier than expect

问英语题(高1的江苏滴,有劳各位喽!)1.The plan_____(需要)careful consideration 2.There is no time to lost,so you must____(行动)now. 3.Theyarrived back from____(休假)a day earlier than expect
1.The plan_____(需要)careful consideration 2.There is no time to lost,so you must____(行动)now. 3.Theyarrived back from____(休假)a day earlier than expected. 4.You may_____(挑选)whatever you want from the books on display. 5.shakespeare(翻译哈字好象是人命哦) 6.This photograph shows three_____(代)of my family. 7.My father_____(继续)reading when I spoke to him. 8.She made an interesting____(广播)about the origin of modern music. 9._________(准备)for the top government officials*visit are almost complete. 10.The citizens don*t___(赞成)of building a chemical factory in the city. 麻烦各位给翻译下子有些句子都读不懂,用你们的智慧来掩盖我的无知把,愿老天保佑你们!

问英语题(高1的江苏滴,有劳各位喽!)1.The plan_____(需要)careful consideration 2.There is no time to lost,so you must____(行动)now. 3.Theyarrived back from____(休假)a day earlier than expect
1.needs 此事需要从长计议
2.act 没时间了,必须立刻行动起来!
3.vacation 他们休假回来比预期早一天
4.select 这里陈列的书你随便选
6.generations 这照片照出了了我家三代
7.kept on 当我对爸爸说话时他还在看书
8.broadcasting 他做了个有关现代音乐起源的有趣的广播
9.preparing 接待上层领导的工作已完成
10.approve 市民们不同意在城市里修化工厂

问英语题(高1的江苏滴,有劳各位喽!)1.The plan_____(需要)careful consideration 2.There is no time to lost,so you must____(行动)now. 3.Theyarrived back from____(休假)a day earlier than expect 1小题有劳了, 关于高数证明题,有劳了有劳了 朝花夕拾1--4章内容概括朝花夕拾是鲁迅写的书,不是电影.有劳各位帮忙. 高三生物正在考试中、问的问题太多有劳各位、有这方面的答案给解答下.关于C.H.O.N.P.S在玉米和人细胞(干)以及活细胞中的含量如下表!求这方面的题型及答案!我考能不能和考试题目对上 英语.数学计划1前两题是选择题.江苏人民出版社的.可以邮件!九年级(国标江苏适用) 有劳各位学霸啦. 有劳各位大侠. 有劳各位啦! 江苏高一英语 必修二 单词表 unit1 和2的江苏无锡用的, although与even if的区别有劳各位了;俄 氓流是什么与流氓的区别?有劳各位侠士 高一江苏英语周报19期A版(2010-2011)答案,注明题号 高一英语周报(江苏专版)2973期答案 2009年数学江苏卷第20题第3问求各位老师给予讲解!一步一步最好,直接看不懂!看题!设a为实数,函数f(x)=2x2+(x-a)|x-a|(3)设函数h(x)=f(x),x属于 a到正无穷,开区间,请写出不等式h(x)>=1的解集. 人家问下,公共经济学是谁写的,有劳兄弟 问你们,计量经济学讲啥的呢,有劳呵 敬问各位易经大师:梅花易数断卦时是以动爻的爻辞来断,还是以变卦后新的卦象来断?有劳了.