雅思作文有疑难,请大家给我些指导~some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society.others,however ,believe that school is the place to learn this.discuss both these views and give your own opinoin.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/25 02:27:29
雅思作文有疑难,请大家给我些指导~some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society.others,however ,believe that school is the place to learn this.discuss both these views and give your own opinoin.

雅思作文有疑难,请大家给我些指导~some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society.others,however ,believe that school is the place to learn this.discuss both these views and give your own opinoin.
some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society.others,however ,believe that school is the place to learn this.
discuss both these views and give your own opinoin.

雅思作文有疑难,请大家给我些指导~some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society.others,however ,believe that school is the place to learn this.discuss both these views and give your own opinoin.

在开头就表明观点,结尾时有时间就在复述一遍,没时间就不写了 希望对你有用~~

雅思作文有疑难,请大家给我些指导~some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society.others,however ,believe that school is the place to learn this.discuss both these views and give your own opinoin. 雅思作文模板请大家帮我找个雅思学术类task1模版吧 麻烦帮我看看这篇 雅思作文 .顺便我改改,打个分.本人今年4月12号就要烤鸭了,第二次烤鸭,要求6分以上,这是我练的一篇雅思作文.希望各位大大牛牛们帮我看看,指出不足之处,顺便给个分数.Som 请大家给予指导. 作文题:《读书伴我成长》写一篇这作文,但不知道写什么,所以请大家指导指导思路 关于孝敬父母的作文的结尾请朋友们给我点指导吧! 高中生适合的英文原著各位学长学姐,各位高手,请问一下哪些英文原著适合高中生,(高三),请大家根据自己的经历,给我指导指导!当然原著我希望有趣味些,深奥了难懂,就没兴趣读了! 雅思啊雅思,我要在南京报个雅思班,大家给点意见咯 我准备考雅思,好难,大学期间,想趁此机会给自己充次电,想考考雅思,请大家帮我个忙? 作文 总有属于我的季节.不求全文,请高手指导我如何写 GRE和雅思复习安排和考试时间我准备在2011年10月份之前拿到GRE和雅思成绩证明,现在六级已经过了,542.不知道时间够不够,对于复习计划的安排也有困惑.请各位有经验的高手们给个指导吧,如果 中学作文请给写作指导和相关例文急! 我最近要考雅思 有没有人有作文的万能模板 大作文小作文都要最近要考雅思 作文头疼 需要模板 五点五分就够了 还有大家对雅思考试有没有什么建议给我提一下 xyq527183@163.com 雅思写作指导:如何写雅思小作文 怎样提高雅思词汇量我3月分就要考雅思了可是我不管是看词汇书或课本都背不进去单词就是当时背会了过会就网了希望大家给些有指导性的意见 我语文成绩不太好,主要是作文,请老师指导指导这次月考,50分我只得了39分(作文)请详细给我讲讲作文思路,开头 中心 结尾,怎么写 请大家看看我的雅思大作文有几分.给点意见,Q:many people believe that the main aim for university education is to help graduates to find better jobs,while some people believe that university education has wider benefits for individu 求雅思图表作文题真题!请给我几道小作文的就是图表题的真题,要有范文~越多越好,