
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/22 02:16:55


Long ago,in a land far away,there lived a beautiful young girl.
She was very sad.Her mother had died and her father had married again.His new wife had two ugly daughters,Esmerelda and Griselda.
Soon after,her father also died and life immediately changed for the girl.
"You will be our servant,"said her stepmother."You will do everything we say."
"You must sleep in the kitchens,by the fire," said the stepsisters.
After tending the fire,and cooking and leaning,the girl's clothes were very dirty.She was called to clear away dishes.
"There are cinders all over your clothes!" exclaimed the stepmother."Cinders for Cinderella.That's your new name.Clear these things away,Cinderella."
"Cinderella!Cinderella!" sang Esmerelda and Griselda."Oh,how clever you are,Mama!"
Cinderella had to work very hard,as all the other servants were dismissed.
One day,an invitation arrived from the palace.
"Girls,listen to this," said the stepmother.Cinderella was serving the breakfast.She listened as her stepmother read the invitation.
"The King is having a ball," she said,excitedly."He is looking for a wife for the Prince!Oh,my dears,this is wonderful.He will probably choose one of you,but it will be such a hard choice to make.
"Am I invited too,stepmother?" asked Cinderella.
"You!Certainly not!" exclaimed her stepmother."The thought of such a thing.A scruffy servant going to a ball,when only beautiful ladies are invited!"
"Hah!Hah!" laughed the stepsisters."Beautiful!That doesn't include you,Cinderella!"
"You may help my two lovely girls to get ready," said her stepmother.
"Oh," said Cinderella,sadly.
"We shall all have new dresses,girls,and we shall go shopping today.Clear away these things,Cinderella."
'Oh,I wish I could go to the ball,' thought Cinderella.
The day of the ball arrived and the whole day was spent preparing Esmerelda and Griselda.Cinderella did her best to make the sisters look pretty,but it was an impossible task.
Finally,the coach arrived to collect the girls and their mother.
Cinderella was very tired and she wandered back to the kitchens.
"Oh,I did so want to go," she sighed as she sat down by the fire.
"What's to stop you?" asked a voice.
"Who's that?" asked Cinderella,looking around.
"I'm here by the door." A strange woman walked up to Cinderella."I heard you the other day,wishing you could go to the ball.Well,the ball is this evening,and you're going."
"But how?" asked Cinderella."What can you do?"
"Anything I want to," said the woman."I'm your fairy godmother,and I'm here to send you to the ball.
She sat down.
"Come now," she said."Dry those tears.We have work to do.I need a large pumpkin,two rats,two mice and a frog.Can you find these?"
"Yes," said Cinderella,mystified by the request.
"Off you go,then."
When Cinderella found all the things,her fairy godmother took them all outside.
"Now for the magic," she said.She waved her hands and the air began to twinkle and sparkle.The pumpkin began to grow and change,until standing there was a glittering coach.
The mice changed into two fine footmen,the frog into the driver,and the rats into two beautiful horses to pull the coach.
Cinderella clapped her hands."It's beautiful!" she cried.
"In you get," said her fairy godmother.
"But I can't go like this," said Cinderella.
"Like what?" asked the fairy godmother."You look lovely to me."
Cinderella looked at herself.While the magic had been working on the pumpkin,it had also been working on her.Instead of her ragged dress she wore a beautiful ball gown,with glass slippers on her feet.
"Oh,fairy godmother," said Cinderella."It's lovely.How can I thank you?"
"By going to the ball," said the fairy godmother."Off you go,but remember,the magic stops working at midnight.Everything will change back then.Now go and enjoy yourself."
"Good-bye,fairy godmother," called Cinderella,as the coach swept off.
Cinderella arrived at the palace and walked into the ballroom.Everyone stopped and stared.
"Who is she?" people asked,including her stepmother and stepsisters.
The Prince saw her,and had eyes for no one else for the rest of the evening.Cinderella danced only with the Prince,and as the evening passed,he fell in love with her.
A clock chiming reminded Cinderella of her fairy godmother's warning.'It must be eleven o'clock,' she thought,but she asked the Prince."What time is it?"
"Almost midnight," he answered.
"Oh,no!" cried Cinderella."I must go!"
"You can't.Not now," said the Prince.
"I must." And Cinderella swept out of the room,and ran out of the palace.As she ran,the clock finished chiming.Cinderella's clothes changed back into rags,and the coach and horses were nowhere to be seen.
The Prince tried to follow,but he couldn't catch up.When he reached the door,all he found was one glass slipper.He ran to the main gate.
"Was a beautiful girl just driven out of here?" he asked the guard.
"No,your Highness.I've only seen a scruffy servant girl," the guard answered.
"I've lost her," said the Prince,and he returned sadly to the palace.
The next morning,Cinderella's stepmother and stepsisters were talking about the ball.
"Did you see the Prince,once that girl arrived." said Esmerelda."He wouldn't look at anybody else.And it was my turn to dance with him."
"Never mind,my dear," said her mother."She disappeared,so there will probably be another ball,and then you will be chosen."
The Prince meanwhile decided to look for the mysterious girl he had fallen in love with.He issued a proclamation."Whoever the glass shoe fits,shall be wife to the Prince."
The Prince and his footman went from house to house of all the ladies invited to the ball.
First to the princesses,and then to the duchesses,and finally to all the ladies.
He finally arrived at the stepmother's house.
"It's my shoe!" cried Esmerelda,trying desperately to pull the shoe on.
"Please,miss!" said the footman."Your foot is too big.you will break the slipper."
Griselda tried the shoe,but her toes were far too long.
"Is there anyone else?" asked the Prince.
"There's only Cinderella,the maid," said the stepmother."But she wasn't even at the ball."
"All the ladies in the kingdom must try the slipper," said the footman.
Cinderella was called from the kitchen.Esmerelda and Griselda laughed when they saw how dirty she was.But their laughter turned to tears when they saw Cinderella's foot slide easily into the slipper.
"Oh!" they cried."It fits!"
The Prince looked at Cinderella and realised that she was the girl that he had fallen in love with.
Cinderella took the other slipper from her pocket and put it on.
The Prince was delighted to have found her,and on a bright sunny day,he and Cinderella were married.They lived happily ever after.



Once upon a time, there was a rich man's wife got seriously ill, in the end, she put her daughter called to him said: "my daughter, mother went to the later will be in in the lower guard you, bless yo...


Once upon a time, there was a rich man's wife got seriously ill, in the end, she put her daughter called to him said: "my daughter, mother went to the later will be in in the lower guard you, bless you."And then she died.Was buried in the garden, the little girl is a good girl, her every day to her mother's grave to weep.
Soon after, his father married a wife.The new wife with her two daughters had come.Their appearance is very beautiful, but the heart is very ugly.They came, they said: "what a useless good-for-nothing stem in the hall?Who wants to eat bread, then she will have to earn it, go to the kitchen to do the kitchen maid!"Go out and take off her clothes, her in an old gray coat, led her into the kitchen.She was forced to go to work.Every day does not light up carrying water, fire, cooking, washing, and endure sister to her indifference and torture.In the evening, she was too tired to be tired out, even had no bed to go to, have to sleep in the ashes, and as she always dusty, dirty, ugly, and for this reason they called her cinderella.
One time, the father was going to the fair, and he asked his two daughters, what he should bring back for them.The first said: "I want beautiful clothes."Second call way: "I want the Pearl and diamond."He told his daughter said: "my child, what do you want?"Cinderella said: "dear father, put a stick on your way home off for me."When my father came back, he brought them to the beautiful clothes and pearl diamond for the first two daughters.On the way, he put the branch off home, stick to his daughter, she took the branches went to her mother's grave, will it hit the edge of the grave......The king to marry a wife for his son, is preparing to hold a grand banquet, invite a lot of beautiful girls to attend.The Prince wanted to dance from these girls choose one for his bride.The two sisters were also invited to cinderella.They put her up and said: "now for our hair, shining shoes, fasten belt," we're going to the prom."Cinderella with them up ready to cry, because she wanted to go to the party.She begged her stepmother let her go, the stepmother said: "you are not going to.You have no clothes, can't dance, you would put us to shame."Then they are husband and wife and her two daughters to the party to start.
Now, everyone went home, leaving only the cinderella man sat under the tree and crying: "tree!Please help me, for I shake off a gold and silver dress."Her friend, the bird flew out from the tree, with a set of gold and silver made dress and a pair of shiny shoes for her.After the clean up dress up, dress up, Cinderella went to the hall after her two sisters.In the golden dress, she looked so elegant, beautiful, beautiful.They did not recognize her, thought she must be a foreign princess, did not think she is Cinderella, they thought that the ash heap Cinderella still stays at home in the.The prince saw her, soon came up to her, stretched out arm around her, ask her to dance.He never talk to other girl dancing, his hand has always refused to let her go.When people asked her to dance, he would say: "the woman in the dance with me."They danced until evening, and then she wanted to go home.The prince wants to know where the beautiful maiden lived, so said: "I send you to go home."Cinderella surface agreed, but when he was not looking, quietly slip away, and ran towards the house.The prince in the behind, she had jumped into the pigeon house and shut the door.The prince and refused to leave on the outside, until her father came, and then he told him, saying that he met at the party didn't know the name of the girl hid in the house of pigeons.When they open up the door, but no one was inside, he was disappointed to return to the palace.When they got home, Cinderella was wearing dirty clothes lying on the ash heap on the edge, as she had been lying there like a dim little lamp, wall hole in the chimney on the shaking in the.In fact, Cinderella was very fast through the house of pigeons came to the tree and took off the dress, put them back in the tree, and let the bird to take them away, he returned to the house sitting in the ashes, dressed in her grey coat.
The very next day, when the dancing began, her father, stepmother and two sisters went to the.Cinderella came back to the tree and said: "tree!Could you help me, please shake, as I shake off a gold and silver dress."The bird comes, it brings a day before her wear that dress more beautiful.When she came to the dance hall, her beauty makes everyone surprised.The prince had waited until she came immediately took her by the hand, ask her to dance.Whenever someone came and asked her to dance, he always said: "the day before and fell in love with her."When she wanted to go home at night, and the prince followed her, wanting to see which house she went.But she still get rid of him, and immediately jumped into the back of her father's house in the garden.There is a very nice big pear trees in the garden, the tree node is full of ripe pear.Cinderella did not know the hidden in any place, had to climb up a tree.The Prince did not see her, he did not know where she was, and had to wait until her father came, then said to him: "the dance with me girl away, I think she must be jumped on to the pear tree."The father thought: "is the Cinderella?"So, he wants to take an axe to cut down a tree, a tree view, there is no man.When his father and stepmother into the kitchen, and the usual Cinderella was lying there in the ashes.She jumped on the tree, and from the other side of the tree to slide down, take off the beautiful clothes, let the bird on the tree back, and then put on the grey coat of her own.
The third day, when her father, stepmother and two sisters went away, she came to the garden and said: "tree!Could you help me, please shake, as I shake off a gold and silver dress."Her good friend and brought a than the very next day that more beautiful dress and a pair of gold for shoes.When she arrived at the party, everyone was that she can't express beauty to stunned.The prince danced only with her, and whenever anyone else asked her to dance, he always said: "she is my partner."When the night comes, she wanted to go home, the prince tried to escort her back, and I said: "this time I can't let her run away."However, Cinderella still managed to slip away from him.Due to go in a hurry, she left the crystal shoes lost on the stairs.The prince picked it up, the very next day came to the front of his father the king said: "I want to marry that girl in this crystal shoes to wear for my wife."
The two sisters Cinderella were happy to hear this, because they all have a pair of beautiful feet, they think they wear the shoes is no doubt.Sister with her mother standing by, first to the house to try on the shoes, can not get her big toe into it, for the shoe was too small for her.Then her mother gave her a knife and said: "never mind, the big toes cut off!When you are queen, also care about this. Why, you will no longer have to go on foot."The older daughter listened, feel justified, the silly girl pain cut off his big toe, to wear in the feet came to the prince.The prince saw her wear good shoes, put her as a bride, and she rode on the horse, and took her away.But they are on their way to go back to the palace, the tree garden planted after Cinderella, a dove sitting on the branch of the sings: "go back!Go back to!Look at the shoe!The shoes are too small, not for her!The prince!The prince!Find your bride, sitting not your bride around you!"The prince heard, the horse looked at her feet, and saw the blood was flowing from the shoes, he knew he was cheated, immediately turned the horse, the false bride back to her home, said: "this is not the true bride, let another sister to try on the shoe."My sister tried to wear shoes in the feet, feet in front of it, but the heel is too large, is not to wear.Her mother said: "the heel off, when you are queen, do not need to walk."So she cut the heel wear into, and then took her to the prince.The prince saw her wear good shoes, put her as a bride mount, sat side by side and leave.But when they passed by the tree, little pigeons still perched on a branch head, it sings: "go back!Go back to!Look at the shoe!The shoes are too small, not for her!The prince!The prince!Find your bride, sitting not your bride around you!"The prince looked down, found that blood was running out, from the shoes, he turned his horse, also sent her back to her father, said: "this is not the true bride, you have a daughter?"His father replied:" no, only my ex-wife of a named Cinderella's daughter, she can't be a bride."However, the prince must he brought her to try.She first washed her hands and face clean, and then went to Prince curtsey rearing.The prince took the shoes gave her to wear, shoes like on her feet is dedicated to her.Looked into her face he stepped forward, recognized her immediately, excitedly said: "this is my true bride."The stepmother and her two sisters be startled at, when the prince took Cinderella mount, they turned pale with anger, watched the prince took her.They came to the tree, little white pigeon sings: "go home!Go home!Look at the shoe!The princess!This is for you to do the shoes!The prince!The prince!Take the bride home, sitting next to you is the true bride "dove after singing, fly forward, stopped in Cinderella's right shoulder.Together they went to the palace.In Cinderella and the prince's wedding party, two sisters, Cinderella went, dove saw them at the door, and then pecked blind their eyes, said: "this is your punishment."
