
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/08 19:02:16

旅游既能开阔视野,又能陶冶情操.你一定去过很多令你难忘的地方,并且你也一定有想去但没去过的地方.写个英语作文 80字左右
80词左右,急阿 初中水平

在我的记忆深处In my deep memery
在我的记忆里去安徽徽州西递宏村写生的日子最令我难忘,那些日子很开心,每天就画画,还有一帮同学大家在一起.I n my memery,gonna the Anhui Huizhou XIdi Hongcun draw the picture's days was very happy,drawing the picture for everyday,still have had a group of students together.那些日子大家一起拍照,这些年去过一些地方,但是,却再也感受不到那个时候,累的半死,倒下去就睡着,白天就不停的画画的日子.These days we took the picture together,these years I gonna the some place,but I couldn't feel this feeling anymore,very tired,falling down to sleep.The day time just keep drawing the picture for these days.我时常想起来那些日子,那些令我难忘的日子.我想那个时候一群人一起画画的日子最令我难忘.I always miss these days,that days I couldn't forget.I miss a group of people to draw the picture.
当我去旅游的时候,我认为对我来说最重要的是我到了这个地方我做了些什么?有时候,并非是去了这个地方就会令我满足.When I gonna the travel,I thought that to me very important things was I gonna the place what I did?
如果有机会,我最想去云南,大理,听说那里的天很蓝,情人在那里都会很幸福,恩爱的过一生.If have had the chance,I really wanna gonna the Yunnan,Dali,I listened to the somebody told me that place the sky very blue,the lovers will very happiness to that place,love each other the whole life.


Tourism can both broaden our horizons and cultivate sentiments.
I have been to many unforgettable places, and still would like to where I haven't been to before.
I have been to an unforgettabl...


Tourism can both broaden our horizons and cultivate sentiments.
I have been to many unforgettable places, and still would like to where I haven't been to before.
I have been to an unforgettable place which is Sanya in Hainan Province. That was a year ago. What happened to us left me an unforgetable memory. It happened like this. My parents and I went there in a summer. On the second day after our arrival we went to a restaurant and asked a fish as our main course of our dinner, the fish was cooked OK and tasted nice. However at the end we were surprised to find we were charged 2300 yuan for the fish. We argued but no use because they insisted the price was correct. We had a bad trip there. For me the most important thing in your trip to somewhere is safety and being treated fairly. If I have another chance,I would go any where but not Sanya. We had enough from our last trip (ztlthb).


I was born in Beijing.
The best place of interest iI've ever been to is the Summer Palace. My parents and I went there in a summer. I knew why it was called ' the Summer Palace '. Long time ago, ……


英语作文:急旅游既能开阔视野,又能陶冶情操.你一定去过很多令你难忘的地方,并且你也一定有想去但没去过旅游既能开阔视野,又能陶冶情操.你一定去过很多令你难忘的地方,并且你也一定有 读书( )能增长知识,开阔视野,( )能陶冶我我们的情操填什么啊,急用! 旅游既能开阔视野,又能陶冶情操.你一定去过很多令你难忘的地方,并且你也一定有想去但没去过的地方.写个英语作文 80字左右提示:你曾经去过的一个令你难忘的地方,在那里你做了些什么, 求一篇 关于旅游的英语作文1.旅游令人兴奋而又难忘2.旅游能够开阔视野3.旅游花费时间与金钱 英语翻译我的兴趣很广泛,像是书法、乐器、游泳、旅游等等.书法能够修身养性,乐器能陶冶情操,游泳能增强体魄,旅游能开阔视野. 开阔视野英语怎么说 英语开阔视野怎么说 翻译 :旅游能开阔我们的眼界. 看电视能开阔视野,从中学到很多东西用英语怎么说 翻译:旅游能拓展视野,丰富经历 忠实的读者()经常读书看报,()开阔了视野,陶冶了情操 填关联词 一篇150词左右的英语作文.请以Advantages of travel 为题写一篇150词左右的作文,简述旅游的益处.要点:1.欣赏风景,开阔视野.2.结识新朋友,熟悉地方文化.3. 丰富知识,开阔视野,增强体质,提高能力,用英语分别怎么说急 怎么选书读?主要是能增长知识、开阔视野、培养审美能力方面的. 辩论赛主题“读书万卷比行万里路更能开阔视野吗?” 有没有适合高中生看的物理杂志报纸或者杂志,书也行,能开阔视野的 辽宁铁岭,那个地方看日出比较好,视野比较开阔,能看到太阳升起的, 读书能开阔我对外界的视野.Reading can ___ ___ ___ eyes____the outside world.