
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/26 01:24:06


1.Recently we hold a fierce debate about whether people in the city should keep pets or not.
2.I don't think it harmful to keep pets at home.
3.One can improve the friendship living in a dormitory.
4.We can spend some time visiting Beijing,where you can do some shopping.
5.As we all know,the 2008 Olympics have been hold in Beijing.
6.It is necessary to improve people's quality and education.
7.Not only does it help me grasp more knowledge,but also expand my horizon.
8.Only by this can we protect our environment.
9.It is because it is convenient to us to keep in touch with my family when getting into trouble that we use cellphone.
10.There are many people in the park on weekends.

1. Recently, we have a heated discussion on whether people should keep pets in the city
2. I do not think that is harmful to pets at home
3. to promote friendship in a dorm
4. We can ta...


1. Recently, we have a heated discussion on whether people should keep pets in the city
2. I do not think that is harmful to pets at home
3. to promote friendship in a dorm
4. We can take some time to visit Beijing, where you can buy something
5. we all know, the 2008 Olympic Games held in Beijing
6. to improve the quality of the people and culture is necessary
7. It not only help me gain more knowledge, but also to expand our horizons
8. Only in this way can we protect our environment
9. We use the phone because he can easily contact my family, when we encounter difficulties
10. the weekend, many people in the park


1 Recently, we've held a drastic discussion about whether it is allowable to keep pets in urban areas,
2 I don't think it's hazardous to raise pets at home.
3 Living in apartments can consoli...


1 Recently, we've held a drastic discussion about whether it is allowable to keep pets in urban areas,
2 I don't think it's hazardous to raise pets at home.
3 Living in apartments can consolidate the friendship between roomates.
4 We can spend some time visiting Beijing, where you can do some shopping,
5 It is kown to all that Olympic Games blossomed in Beijing in 2008,
6 It is necessary to better people's quality and literacy.
7 It can not only bring me more knowledge, but also widen my horizon.
8 Only in this way can we protect our environment,
9 The reason why we use cellphones is that it offers us the convenience to communicate with families when we run into difficulties.
10 There are an ocean of people in the park at the weekends,


英语翻译1.最近我们展开一场激烈的讨论关于人们是否应该在城市里养宠物2.我不认为在家里养宠物是有害的3.住在宿舍可以增进友谊4.我们可以花费一些时间参观北京,在那你可以买一些东西5 英语作文.词数:120左右最近,你班同学就“太空搜索是否值得”这一话题展开了一场讨论.请你根据下表提供的信息,用英语写一篇短文介绍的情况.30%的同学认为:1.不值得探索 2.离我们即我们 ”同学们展开了激烈的讨论.”修改病句修改得出答案 黑猩猩有没有意识?今天我们在政治课上讨论的很激烈, 英语翻译那真是一场激烈的比赛请翻译That’s ( )( )( ). 作文《一场激烈的篮球赛》500字 一场激烈的拔河比赛(作文题目) 英语翻译最近,我们组织了一场主题讨论:日常生活我们能为保护环境,减少污染做些什么呢?不同的人有不同的看法.一些人认为工厂应该停止生产塑料袋,人们平时可以使用布袋.一些人认为应 英语翻译英语翻译:我最喜欢的电影是《变形金刚》.二十多年前,一群有生命的机器人从赛伯隆星球来到我们的地球,开始了一场激烈的战争 开卷和闭卷哪个对于我们更有益?这个问题我们班讨论的很激烈,但就是没一个有理由. 口语交际课上,我们讨论得很激烈.修改病句 最近,你校为学生开设了有关急救知识的课程,学生们对此展开了激烈的讨论,但观点不一。80%的学生认为很有必要,因为发生意外时可以挽救生命;20%的学生认为没有必要,因为现在就 十一届三中全会召开前,思想理论界展开了一场真理标准问题的讨论.这次大讨论的结果是什么?有什么作用 某班级就“90后中学生”这一话题展开了激烈的讨论.大多数人认为现在学生大多数是独生子女,从小娇生惯养 英语翻译我们的同学正在参加一次讨论.讨论中国是否应该大力发展家用汽车.同学们讨论地很激烈.分成了两种观点.百分之六十的同学认为应该大力发展.因为可以促进国家经济的发展.而且可 初三(2)班举行了一次以“做家务是否影响学习”为题的辩论会,同学们展开了激烈的讨论.学生甲说:我以为学生要做家务事,一是可以减轻父母的负担;二是可以使我们从小养成热爱劳动的 昨天,我们班级就雷锋精神是否过时的话题展开了积极的讨论 英语翻译摘要 通过对舒晓露所作的“面对劫匪时需要血性还是理性”为题的文章的深入了解,从文章中案件主角李先生撞死劫匪事件中所表现的一系列事件所展开的激烈的讨论,却始终与“正