英语翻译After the Restoration,the parliament passed a series of severe laws called the Claremont code against the puritans now known as Nonconformists.the Claremont code这到底是克莱蒙代码,还是克莱蒙法典,咋查不出来呢。

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/24 05:00:07
英语翻译After the Restoration,the parliament passed a series of severe laws called the Claremont code against the puritans now known as Nonconformists.the Claremont code这到底是克莱蒙代码,还是克莱蒙法典,咋查不出来呢。

英语翻译After the Restoration,the parliament passed a series of severe laws called the Claremont code against the puritans now known as Nonconformists.the Claremont code这到底是克莱蒙代码,还是克莱蒙法典,咋查不出来呢。
After the Restoration,the parliament passed a series of severe laws called the Claremont code against the puritans now known as Nonconformists.
the Claremont code这到底是克莱蒙代码,还是克莱蒙法典,咋查不出来呢。

英语翻译After the Restoration,the parliament passed a series of severe laws called the Claremont code against the puritans now known as Nonconformists.the Claremont code这到底是克莱蒙代码,还是克莱蒙法典,咋查不出来呢。
After the Restoration,the parliament passed a series of severe laws called the
Clarendon code against the puritans now known as Nonconformists.
首先the Restoration是个专有名词,因为大写了不能直接翻译成恢复.翻译成王政复辟(指1660年英王查理二世复辟),具体资料请参考史书.下面这个网页也还不错,摘选自温斯顿·丘吉尔 的《英语国家史略》:
其次,Claremont code英文也查不到.后来我终于知道咋回事了,你这个打错了,应该是Clarendon code,翻译成加拉登法典,是英国国会于1661-1665所采取的法例,限制非英国教会Church of England信徒的宗教自由.
譬如古巴比伦的《汉谟拉比法典》,英文就叫做Code of Hammurabi.
最后,puritan和nonconformists在这里都是指的一个东西.但是这两个称呼还是有区别的.puritan就是指清教徒,是指要求清除英国天主教残余的改革派.此字于16世纪60年代开始使用,源于拉丁文的 Purus,意为清洁.
people who refuses to "conform" to,or follow,the governance and usages of the Church of England by the Protestant Christians of England and Wales.

恢复后,议会通过了一系列的严重法律称为克莱蒙特代码现在被称为 Nonconformists。 的清教徒反对

