
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/23 16:20:27


" At present,the products of this company is mainly to sell directly,and they're also being sold by other dealers.However,this category of clients only occupies 30% of the total sales of the company whose most customers are terminal ones."

Most of the products of the company are sold through direct sales. Sale through distributors accounts 30% of the total sales. Most customers are end-users.


The company has its products for direct selling though it also its agent shops selling its products, which comes to 30 % of the company's products sale. Most of its customers are direct ones.

The product from this company is mainly used for direct sale. There are some other dealers for the product, but their number takes only 30% of the corporate gross sales. Most of the clients are end customers.


The products of the company are mainly directly sold and so do other distrabutors,though this kind of clients which only compose of 30% of the total turnover are mostly terminal clients.

The company's products are mainly sold in direct way, and there are also other dealers sell its products,but this kind of customers accounts for 30% of the company's total sales volume, and most of its customers are end customers.

This company's products are mainly for direct sales. There are also other dealers in the sales of this products, but their customers most of which are terminal customers account for only 30% of the total sales.

The products that the company slod are mainly in a direct way while there are other agents saling them. However, this type of clinents, the terminal groups in vast majority, accounts 30 per cent of t...


The products that the company slod are mainly in a direct way while there are other agents saling them. However, this type of clinents, the terminal groups in vast majority, accounts 30 per cent of the company's sales volume.
The products that the company slod are mainly in a direct way while there are other agents whom are the clients of the company saling them. However, this type of clinents, the terminal groups in vast majority, accounts 30 per cent of the company's sales volume


英语翻译该公司的产品目前主要为直接销售,也有其它的经销商在销售其产品,但此类客户只占到该公司总销售量的30%,大部分客户为终端客户. 英语翻译在销售方面,以该公司的规模和目前的知名度,其产品应主要在广东省、特别是广州市内进行销售.根据以往的经验来判断,该公司有可能是为配合其它公司的运营而专门成立的,用于分 英语翻译在产品销售方面,该公司主要为自行销售,该公司员工未提及使用经销商网络来进行销售,这可能与该公司定位较高有关. 如下文字如何翻译成英语,谢谢该公司投资配备了实验及生产设备,自行生产化工产品;自有销售团队进行产品的营销业务.据该公司工作人员介绍,在产品销售方面,该公司主要以直接销售和经 英语翻译该公司的门店位于上海国际金融中心,建筑面积2600平方米,装修豪华,维持了香港city’super一贯的“识饮识食、高档次的饮食文化”的风格.门店销售的产品主要为进口产品,大部分为食 英语翻译该公司的门店位于上海国际金融中心,建筑面积2600平方米,装修豪华,维持了香港city’super一贯的“识饮识食、高档次的饮食文化”的风格.门店销售的产品主要为进口产品,大部分为食 英语翻译该公司产品在外包装上以“**公司”为生产商名称.在产品销售方面,则由**公司进行市场拓展,在每个大区设有营销中心,由营销中心开发当地市场的经销商就市场来讲,**产品走的是中 英语翻译该公司销售模式为:直供终端销售占比重约为75%,招商销售占比重约为25%.该公司产品已进入多家连锁药店.该公司2010、2011年连续两年亏损,经了解,该公司2012年虽销售收入有较大提高, 英语翻译,这是什么公司来的,主要销售什么的? 一句话的英语翻译,英语翻译高手请进!该公司主要是在商场内开设药店,产品也以药妆等产品为亮点,并非一般意义上的药店. 某通讯器材公司销售一种市场需求较大的新型通讯产品,已知每件产品的进价为40元,每年销售该产品……某通讯器材公司销售一种市场需求较大的新型通讯产品,已知每件产品的进价为40元,每 我们公司的产品主要出口海外 .英语翻译 增值税会计分录甲公司销售产品一批,价目表中该产品价格(不含税)为20000元,增值税税率17%,产品已经发出,客户尚未付款.编制销售产品的会计分录那如果是进项税呢? x公司为增值税一般纳税企业 主要生产和销售甲产品华天公司为增值税一般纳税企业,主要生产和销售甲产品,适用增值税率17%,所得税税率25%,城建税教育费附加略.该公司2008年发生以下业务: 英语翻译 作为展望公司的销售,我主要负责汽车零件厂的销售工作 请教英文翻译下面一句话该公司销售的有机蔬菜主要为自行采购,对外宣称是由自有种植基地直供超市进行销售 某环保器材公司销售一种新型产品,已知每件产品的进价为40元,经销过程中测出每月销售量y与销售单价x(1)求y与x之间的函数关系式(2)若公司计划12月份销售该产品获利70万元,并且要让客 英语翻译产品外包装上以“**生化科技(中国)有限公司”为生产商名称,不标明“苏州**生化有限公司”.在产品销售方面,则由该公司进行市场拓展,在每个大区设有营销中心,由营销中心开发