she often wears the same kind of skirts as her sister does中as her sister do是什么从句,为什么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 03:55:00
she often wears the same kind of skirts as her sister does中as her sister do是什么从句,为什么

she often wears the same kind of skirts as her sister does中as her sister do是什么从句,为什么
she often wears the same kind of skirts as her sister does中as her sister do

she often wears the same kind of skirts as her sister does中as her sister do是什么从句,为什么
同学,这个是定语从句.the与什么相同)这个句型.后面的as her sister does是补充说明skirts,起修饰限定作用


这句话最好不要从从句的角度来理解 可以看做固定搭配
sb. does the same sth. as who else does
第一个does是指某个动词 比方说这儿是wears